Heya, Ashcorp! We have a very formal, general request:
Our account is dedicated to archiving and sharing amazing, passionate books of the past onto Wattpad. On your account, you've re-uploaded "What a Thief Can't Steal" from fanfic.net.
We'd like to, if you would comply, publish it on our account. That would mean that you take it down on yours, and allow us to host the book on our profile.
We believe that this account is a more appropriate host, and we hope you'll agree. Other reasons include the following:
1. Our account is anonymous, and new users can easily dissect ownership to the appropriate author.
2. Partnering with us ensures that we have one, community-supported platform to host fanfic.net books onto. As opposed to letting the book sit on your and other people's personal accounts, supporting a community-driven account like ours benefits everyone.
If you'd like, check out more details about us, and please reply if you come to a solution!