
"Somehow, Palpatine returned."
          	No, but seriously. Hey everyone, it's been a while! I've had some free time at work so I've been going through some old writings and editing them up to my standard, and WOW did I find a lot of errors in Honeycomb Hearts. I considered that story my magnum opus, so seeing how many errors there were and how rushed of an ending it had, I couldn't leave it be. Now, it's finally finished, for real this time! I added a few changes to earlier chapters to fix plotholes or inconsistencies as well as a few new chapters before the ending so that it wouldn't be super rushed. Now, I can finally consider it finished, and at just over 60k words, I also consider it novel-length! Hope y'all enjoy the changes and new stuff!


"Somehow, Palpatine returned."
          No, but seriously. Hey everyone, it's been a while! I've had some free time at work so I've been going through some old writings and editing them up to my standard, and WOW did I find a lot of errors in Honeycomb Hearts. I considered that story my magnum opus, so seeing how many errors there were and how rushed of an ending it had, I couldn't leave it be. Now, it's finally finished, for real this time! I added a few changes to earlier chapters to fix plotholes or inconsistencies as well as a few new chapters before the ending so that it wouldn't be super rushed. Now, I can finally consider it finished, and at just over 60k words, I also consider it novel-length! Hope y'all enjoy the changes and new stuff!


Hey,idk if you are still even working on s0t0uff on wattpad but I wanted to say thank you


@thefatphirana no problem, I would love to read that novel one day


@thefatphirana I’m glad to hear that you liked my stories! I’m not doing much on Wattpad anymore and I’ve had a struggle finding time to write with a full-time job, but maybe someday I’ll be able to publish a novel and thank people like you for motivating me to keep writing!


@thefatphirana your books are great and made me feel good when I was having a bad day


Hey everyone! Over the past whoever knows how long, I've been working on Honeydew Hearts, and I'm happy to announce that it's finally finished! I sincerely hope you enjoy the ending - I think it's a good place for a story to end, where a new story begins. 
          Speaking of new story beginnings however, I believe Honeydew Hearts will be my last fanfiction that I will create. I'm very happy with how it went and how it ended, and I plan on moving forward with work on a novel with characters and a world of my own design, rather than borrowing others'. I want to thank every person who has given feedback, read, or shared my stories - every single like and comment just motivates me further to create more! I might upload some more short stories involving the characters of my novel here, or I may not - either way, thank you all again for being with me on this journey.


I am proud to say that I have not died an untimely death. I have published another chapter of Honeydew Hearts and I have ideas for several more, but be warned that I am not sure of any schedule I can write them and post them in due to my classes and my part-time job. Hopefully this new chapter won't be a one-off thing and I can continue writing, though!


@KyleWagner  that is perfectly oki! Just make sure you take care of yourself !


@KyleWagner that's O.K to me just don't over do it and be safe


I'm sorry to announce this, but Honeycomb Hearts is officially on hiatus until further notice. I've run dry of ideas for the story save for the very end. Combined with a new workload with classes and I just don't have time to work it into my schedule.


@ KyleWagner  in one hand awww hiatus...  In the other hand... It's fine you have to rest, fill yourself with new energy and then the inspiration will come once again... Your story is really good! Take a "vacation"... No one will be harmed, enjoy!!! 


@KyleWagner Don’t you worry at all
            We’ve all hit dry patches in stories and have had to deal with real work
            Hell, you know that I’ve teased stories up to a year in advance only because I didn’t get anywhere with actually writing them


@KyleWagner that's fine you do what you have to do


I had originally scheduled myself to write another chapter of Honeycomb Hearts tonight but... the new RWBY episode has me literally shaking. New chapter coming as soon as my anxious POS self gets a grip!


            The new episode killed me-


Well, see you later 


Wait... I forgot there was a new one tonight


Honeycomb Hearts has officially reached 30k words - making it novella length, and I still need to actually write the most important part of the story! Thank you all for supporting me in getting closer to my dream - thanks for the 30,000 words, and here’s to 30,000 more in the future!


WOOOOO!!!! Love your work, Wagner. You’re one of the authors that make Wattpad such a good place for the up and coming


So I was thinking of making a much longer story than usual all posted at once for Christmas - however it might cut into time for me updating Honeycomb Hearts. Would y’all like that? If so, what kinds of stuff would you want to see in it? It’s most likely gonna be a bumbleby story but have way more characters than just Yang and Blake.


This sounds quite wonderful and I’d love to see how you do this story!


I would like to see a really fluffy story about Yang and Blake but also throw some other ships in there like Coco X Velvet- or even Ruby X Weiss. It’d be so cute if they did this gift exchange thing where they all give each other gifts that mean a lot and stuff! (Sorry I’m just a sucker for fluffy adorable scenes.)