
The Father’s Day card I’m making for my dad is giving off so much pride vibes- I mean it’s June and he won’t notice. Anyway I’ll post it in my art book when I finish. Not much happened today. But yeah byeee.
          	What’s your fav holiday? Mine is my birthday byeee
          	Thanks for all the love and support you guys give me <3333


@Kylethesmilingking  i like christmas cause i get too spend time with family <333


The Father’s Day card I’m making for my dad is giving off so much pride vibes- I mean it’s June and he won’t notice. Anyway I’ll post it in my art book when I finish. Not much happened today. But yeah byeee.
          What’s your fav holiday? Mine is my birthday byeee
          Thanks for all the love and support you guys give me <3333


@Kylethesmilingking  i like christmas cause i get too spend time with family <333


Guys we got to 88 followers I have no idea where they are coming from. Thank you so much guys you are all amazing everyday you guys make my day I’m so happy to be able to be part of such and amazing place because of all of you guys I love you all so much thanks again for all the love and support. Ily <3333333333333


Hello. I just came back from my friends house. But I feel like my one friend is excluding me which really sucks and she never uses my name I understand that she might not remeber and I fully except that it’s just that it’s really obvious she favourites my other friend and I’m just so sick of it. Like when we’re walking home she always has to be beside my friend because apparently she “can’t hear her if she’s not beside her” and while I was at her house they were trying to do tik tok dances but they didn’t ask if I wanted to either and I tried dancing and she whispered to me so my other friend wouldn’t know and she said “your bad at dancing” so I just sat down by the table and rolled my ring on it for half an hour. And she’s just like I feel like she dosent like me and it affects me more then ever because I feel like I have to be perfect so knowing that someone dosent think I’m perfect makes me wanna just be able to stab myself in the heart and not even need to care. I’m just affected by it so much it brings me a lot of pain I just can’t deal with this anymore. But I don’t wanna stop being her friend because other then that she’s a great friend but yeah that’s just my problem. And there having a sleepover together and she didn’t invite me and I always ask her if she wants to have sleepovers or like hangout and she only ever wants to hangout with my friend. Well that’s  it for know bye. I cried while writing this 


I HAVE 64 FOLLOWERS WHAT THE HELLLL. anyways my day was ok I came home but yeah. Me and my sister are alone so I have the urge to tell her I’m trans sooo badly. But yeah that’s really it. Oh one good thing about today I got 34.5 out of 35 in one of my tests let’s goooooo. That’s really it for know byeee 
          (I’m not going to do a question bc I did one in the morning but bye!!)


My notebook is almost at 100 reads! Thanks for all the love and support my dear followers!!!


INHAVE 44 FOLLOWERS WHAT- ok anyways lol. So I have my tests and my mom is making me study so much like it’s stressing me out. Like NO SHJT UP. and my mom is a great mom I love her so much but she is pressuring me a lot. She is making me study for the test so much like almost practically four hours a day. And they aren’t even for marks they are just to see where students are failing the most so they can see how they can help teach that even more. Like broooooooooo. But there was a barbecue at my old school and I saw some of my old teachers which was pretty cool. I had cotton candy for the first time. I’ve cried my self to sleep for basically this whole week. Ok also I’m confused should I tell my teachers I’m trans? Idk bc I feel like they will tell my parents but at the same time I want to be able to tell my parents now. But I feel like they will just be like what is that, and my mom will be like we can’t pay any surgeries but I’ll probably tell her that you don’t need surgeries and I’ll tell her about binders and yeah I’m just nervous and anxious. And yeahhh. Uh I think that’s it but thank you guys so much for the love and support I love you all. Literally two day ago I had like 13 followers now today I have 44 I love you guys so much I hope you have an amazing day you all are amazing and I’m so proud of you! Have a great day!
          If I had to create any book what genre would you guys like me to make it? Byeee


Thanks, I feel better right now thansk for all the support!


@Kylethesmilingking im sorry to hear that, I hope your situation gets better :(
            And about the genre book, I would suggest a fiction


Guys yesterday I had 13 followers and know I have 27- anyways! Talking about that thank you all so much that have followed me for any new followers hello my name is Kyle but you can call me Soap or kale if you need. I’m currently working on a notebook about my life. And yeah! I will do my best to try and follow you all back but again thank you so much everyone you guys are amazing and make me so happy! Bye! 
          I’m thinking of making a comeback Saturday which is basically when im online on a Saturday I make a page of a story I haven’t updated in a while.Ok byeeeeeee


Hello. My day hasn’t been the greatest but I’ll get through it. Just a really bad kid in gym today. And yeah still stugiyng I don’t have to study as much though. But wish me luck! I will be updating the notebook of my life prob today or tommorow but yeah. The notebook got 81 views! Oh also turns out I have 13 followers when yesterday I had 12 ok byeee. Also have you heard of those tiktokers like Inkastar I think there called? I think the kidnapping about them is true idk though tell me what you think.
          Question of the day
          Who’s your fav tiktoker? 
          Idk who mine is lol
          Byeeeee also your so awesome your shirt is amazing on you.


Lol also yeah that’s sad  


@Xriiqe and I'm sad.


@Kylethesmilingking idk who my favorite tiktoker is, also thanks, I don't have my binder rn