
I'm avoiding homework!!! And now I'm talking into space!!! Comment if you here me!!!


I just found a spider, it was a big spider and it was crawling on my leg! So I screamed! Slapped it off of my leg! And got a paper towel, then I put it outside, but it kept crawling back up to my hand, and eventually it came off. I think spiders are in love with me, jk.


I went to my book and thought, hmm I want to write, but then I realized that I'm waiting on 5 different people to comment who they want to have first P.O.V., any character in the book, I don't care who you pick, just please please comment, either comment on my profile or the book, I don't care, just tell me so I can start writing this next chapter, I REPEAT 5 DIFFERENT PEOPLE!!!!!
          Luv y'all!!


I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while, but it's going to be even longer, cause I'm hoping on vacation, please don't hate me, I'll try and squeeze In an update, I'm so so so so so sorry y'all, please don't just stop reading my book, I love y'all!