
@KellySeale  @JustlikeheavenDanni It's okay... it was quite unexpected though :) You should listen to all their songs on their album if you havent already. 
          	Youre seeing them in August!? Lucky... My friend and I are planning to go to their concert sometime in the future. Tell me what the concert is like after :)


@KellySeale  @JustlikeheavenDanni It's okay... it was quite unexpected though :) You should listen to all their songs on their album if you havent already. 
          Youre seeing them in August!? Lucky... My friend and I are planning to go to their concert sometime in the future. Tell me what the concert is like after :)


Hey Kym,
          Another UK member. Cool. I saw your post on my thread titled What's My Name? Contest and I wanted to provide you with the link. So you just guess the name you think I wrote in the envelope for a chance to win an Amazon Gift Card.
          I chose a character name from the first ten chapters of my book Talisman Of El (uploaded on Wattpad) so just guess any name you come across within those ten chapters.

          Thanks :)