
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!! 


I am finally back!!!!!  And with a new story!! After taking a break for a while, I feel like I am mentally in a better place to write again. I appreciate everyone who responded to my messages and made sure I was okay. I am sincerely touched. I hope you all have been well and happy. 
          Don’t forget to check out my new story I’m Okay, Not. 


Important note: For the last month I have been visiting the hospital almost everyday. Due to a death in the family, I have taken a break on writing. I need to be there for my family. I am not sure when I will be back to writing, but I hope you all understand. Currently I need some time to heal and regroup myself. I will be back as soon as I am ready. Thank you for understanding and supporting my work. 


@sebour I am doing a bit better. I will. My main focus is being there for my family. 


@Kynslie114 Are you okay?
            Focus your time on healing and don't worry about anything else. 


@RareMe01 Thank you. I will. I shall be back soon just not sure when yet. 


First and foremost, I sincerely apologize for not writing anything lately. Life has been a whirlwind of ups and downs these days. Therefore, I have had no motivation to write. It’s not what I want, as I love to write. But lately it has  been a constant battle to write about anything. I have ideas as of what to write but putting it down on paper is difficult. I hope to be back soon with new content and fresh ideas. I sincerely apologize if any of you are waiting on updates. Once I don’t have to worry about things, I hope to be writing back on here soon. I appreciate every one of you who has supported my stories. I hope you are all doing well and staying safe. 


Thanks. I hope to be back soon. Hopefully within a couple of days. 


@Kynslie114 it's okay! don't stress, your health matters more