
          	Dear Makoto Chapter 2 anyone?


Heyo Peoples (It's been a while 2.0) Oml So so sorry! Firstly thoughts on my new PfP? I've been using it everywhere else, so It makes sense to use it here now Secondly, Dear Makoto Chapter one by the end of June, (Most likely) I Hope you all enjoy it, (If I don't almost get hit by a truck again.)


QUICK UPDATE: My brain Forgot to acknowledge the progress past Author-Chan made on Dear Makoto It's out NOW! Enjoy :D


Tysm all my wonderful readers of my, below-average content, recently I have been informed by @ShipperOfZeUnderated  that A Despair Thrilled Case has (somehow) made it to Number one on Naegiri, which is kinda crazy ngl, Now you might have thought I was dead- well I'm not! I've been writing a sequel to Dear Kyoko called Dear Makoto this was a plan of mine since before I began writing A Despair Thrilled Case, however, I wanted something different to write at the time so I decided to pursue, the first chapter should be out soonish given I don't go on hiatus again Sorry fr the long wait! Sorry for the long post, hope to see you all again soon!


To say the least, it's been a while! all I'm going to say is I lost my inspiration For A Despair Thrilled Case, but I will finish it, eventually but I'm taking a break to write for a different ship from a different game I hope you all don't mind too much!


I hope you can also write more Naegiri fanfics cause they are a banger! Keep up the good work!


Hi! I liked your book very much (Naegiri "Dear Kyoko"). And since I'm from Poland, could I translate it into my native language? Of course, I will write in the description and at the beginning of the chapter that this is your job.


@ Herbata_Yugoo  Thank you very much! I'm starting work tomorrow <3


@Herbata_Yugoo I would be honored if you thought my book was good enough for you to translate! And Yes I would be happy for you to translate it as long as you credit me!


@Unicorn36923  I am checking my Wattpad periodically cuz I don't like my notifs to be cluttered and Yes I did just happen to Read I'm Onto you, I read all their Naegiri books and they are what gave me inspiration to write In the first place and deffinely gave me some of the indeas for A Despair thrilled case!


Hey Guys, I know that The last chapter of A despair thrilled case has to say the least Taken A while, and it's about to take a bit longer, I'm taking a break From Wattpad like a big one, I just don't have any motivation rn, But I will come back I can promise you all that, just give me time, I'm sorry for this Major delays I hope ur all not to mad at Me.


@KyokoStanSpy I’m not mad so don’t worry and have fun on your break


Hey everyone Expect some major delays on all upcoming chapters my computer just completely died and there is a pretty low chance of reviving it, so it may take a bit longer to get chapters out to you guys woody everyone...


@KyokoStanSpy it’s fine take all the time you and your computer needs