*In the tune of "Jingle Bells"* Scrolling through Wattpad The-e-en I see Tha-a-at you, you have fanned me! Thank you! Im happy! Happy as can be! OH! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank you very much! Im very happy! And now I will speak dutch! *end of song* ____________ Nah! Im kidding. Idk how to speak dutch but it was the only thing that I can think of that rhymes with "much". Lol anyways...sorry if my craziness is scaring you, I just like to add "entertainment" in my "Thank you for being my fan" stuff. So...Thanks so much for being a fan :) It means a lot! If you need help with anything, I'd be more than happy to help :D Sorry about the first fail :| Thanks!! xxAbby