I fear that if I had to give up on one hobby for a while just to be able to balance out other things I have to prioritize, my number one choice would be writing. I'm starting to doubt if I can publish the new book before Alhaitham's birthday.
With the amount of opportunities and stuff happening on my plate at the moment, I'm actually going to be on hiatus (I won't be working on the new book), which saddens me knowing writing is one of the ways I express my feelings and ideas.
I don't want to give you guys a rushed book or a book I wrote not because I wanted to, but because I had to. I want the new book to be written with brilliant ideas that came up because I wanted to write that book.
I too, do not know how long my hiatus will take. I might have to wait for my next summer break before I can start writing again. However, I promise to return with a completed book when my hiatus is over.
— Lots of love, Kimi