im not going to lie, i have no idea what to do on this app >,<


this message may be offensive
it seriously disturbs me when i see homophobes acting like they haven't straight up confessed to my close friend's face that they do not accept their identity as a fucking human being. like i fucking WISH your mutuals knew the kind of person you are and the kind of shit you believe in because i sure do hope they would be just as disgusting to see that you have been faking your support for them for fucking years.
          you hurt my best fucking friend but you feel nothing because you never actually felt anything for her because she identifies as part of the lgbtq+ community. you told her you loved her no matter what, but that was a fucking lie because behind her back you and your family prayed for their fucking eradication. how dare you be so fucking close to so many lgbtq+ people who have or are still struggling to find accepting communities, how dare you trick them into feeling safe when you are what they fucking fear. im tired of it and you don't even realize how desperately i want to expose you but I'm fucking better than that. watch yourself.


@UKAIFILMS hate how homophobes can actually sneak into our lives like that, trick us into feeling secure and valid when they really just pray for the death of our entire existence... it makes me sick


period smfh
            the way i knew someone 
            like that as well-