— just a quick notice since I’ve died on here for ages without a reason,, 
          	I have a new account! I’m not incredibly active but I try to be on as much as I can, just to rp or chat to people. 
          	@SN1PER-Y0U is my account! <3 


Caspian did not realize that in he and Eli’s binge watching if The Walking Dead, he would begin having these lucid nightmares. Usually horror didn’t scare Caspian. He loved horror actually! He’d let Michael Myers smash! So why was he reacting so badly to this zombie show?
          Well it was tonight when he realized what was happening. When he dreamed that night, his nightmare was about the zombies, surrounding him and Eli (Eli is always in his dreams) and they were completely defenseless. Like many of the characters in the show, Caspian had to watch in horror as his baby was ripped away from him by the hoard, screaming and crying for him.
          “Eli—!” He yelped, shooting straight up in bed, a cold sweat lacing his skin. He looked around, amber eyes wide. He looked over to Eli’s side of the bed and was relieved to see the smaller male laying there, even if he was met with that cerulean gaze. “What are you doing up, baby?“


            Caspian looked down towards the bed, trying to calm his breathing a bit. “Yeah- Just a bad dream. Super odd though…” he panted softly. “Sorry if I scared you or anything,” he said, holding his hand in the two of his and just caressing his warm little hand. He did this for a moment before bringing in up to his cheek and nuzzling against it with a sigh.


            Eli didn’t really have bad dreams because- he never really slept. But he liked watching caspian, knowing that his boyfriend was alive and breathing and with him was the most comforting thing to him. He’d just turned off his phone and was just hugging his pillow, though he flinched a little as he sat up. 
            He sat up too and took his hand in his, shuffling closer to him 
            “ I couldn’t sleep— are you okay?” 
            He asked quietly, leaning over and kissing his cheek 
            “ you’re all- sweaty- “ 
            He said, wiping his hand over his skin 
            “ did you have a bad dream?” 


// sorry it so late. Here you go hun! //
          Since returning from military service and seeing Jaeger that day. Jean oddly kept running into the still just slightly smaller male. 
          Blinking his eyes as he literally just bumped into him once again. Man it was like the universe was trying to push them together. 
          Rubbing his neck. Jean looked off and smirked. 
          “Man Jaeger. We keep running into one another so much lately…”


            // sure hun! <333 What is it? //
            “Hahh. Maybe it is payback.”
            He chuckled as he pushed his hair back. 
            “Guess the world wants to just torture us now. Making us see each other multiple times a day now.”
            He chuckled then smiled. Jean didn’t understand it. But he didn’t exactly hate it either. 
            “Mm. Perhaps you’re secretly stalking me?”


            — THANK YOU! Also I have a new account if you’d like to follow me? <3 
            Eren noticed the fact they were always bumping into eachother too, it annoyed him only a little because he felt his heart flutter whenever he saw him. It weirded him out. He did try to avoid him but always ended up seeing him again. 
            Staring up at him as they yet again bumped into eachother, he blushed before clearing this throat . 
            “ right ? I feel like I’m getting tortured for annoying you when we were younger.” 
            He said playfully. 


Leo was one for cheesy jokes and gestures of all kinds. Right now he had just got home for work and was waiting in the entry way. He was listening to Cody softly humming a song in the kitchen as he was cooking. He loved him so much, connecting to the speaker in the kitchen. He turned on a slow song despite the sun setting and presuming Cody was only in sweats from the day and Leo in his uniform.
          He walked in to make his entrance. 
          “Hello honey! I’m home,” he beamed, strutting in confidently. 


            “I love you too, Cody,” he chuckled, eyes full of adoration as he stared up at him and stopped moving around so they could properly look at each other. “I love you so so much… you know I can’t imagine my life without you in it.”


            He yelped and held onto him 
            “ Leo!!” 
            He laughed, wrapping his legs around him and hiding in his neck 
            “ It better of been I worked hard to get into that window-“ 
            He said playfully, cupping his face in his hands and pressing his forehead against his. 
            “ I love you so much.” 
            He mumbled softly. 


            Leo laughed and tightened his grip around Cody’s waist and picked him up, spinning him around. “Breaking into my house was the best thing that ever could have happened to me!!” He exclaimed with a wide grin. “Next week? Yeah. I can call in. And yes. You’re right. Your Mama needs some time with her granddaughter.”


this message may be offensive
"What were you thinking?! You could've gotten hurt! There's active fire and your first instinct is to run into it?" Hayes spat out, hand fretfully running through his hair.
          "Now look at you! You got shot — gosh Jesse you could've fucking died! You're not... you're not allowed to die." a glare was directed towards the younger male afterwards.
          "You pull shit like that again and I will see to it that you are put on desk duty for at least a year. You understand me?"


            "I'm sure I can somehow manage to lay up here with you... though it might be a tight fit." he said with a laugh of his own.
            "I want to take time off for you darling. For one you're in this situation because of me and you mean quite a lot to me. I'm not gonna leave you alone like that." he gently ran his hand through Jesse's hair as he talked.


            He nodded and smiled a little  
            “ I wish we were both small so you could come up on this bed with me.” 
            He laughed 
            “ but you don’t have to take time off work for me- I’ll be okay you know! I’ve been in hospital before!” 
            He hummed 
            “ I just didn’t want to be on my own- it’s quiet here-“ 


            Hayes rolled his eyes in return to the playful remark,a quiet chuckle following.
            "No need to worry I already took off two weeks to take care of you. You're not getting rid of me until I'm forced to go back." Hayes had stacked up quite a bit of payed leaves over the years, only having taken off once or twice.