
Hi everyone
          	It has been very long, but with this being a New Year and my desire to reignite my passion for writing. 
          	I am writing a story in a commemoration of my friend who is a big  Rafe Cameron fan from OuterBanks.
          	It is out of the ordinary from what I usually write however I want to ensure my long-standing followers that I will be continuing to write south Asian representation fiction and I am actually working on a piece as we speak.
          	But due to my friends’s birthday coming up, I will be first publishing  the Rafe Cameron ff.
          	I do hope you still enjoy reading it, and I promise to all the followers that I will still represent the south Asian community and write original fiction.
          	Lotus x


 Awesome !the only good Rafe Cameron fanfic I’ve read is Rock Bottom idk if you have read it and a few others, but there are very few good ones. I hope this one is good too.


Hi everyone
          It has been very long, but with this being a New Year and my desire to reignite my passion for writing. 
          I am writing a story in a commemoration of my friend who is a big  Rafe Cameron fan from OuterBanks.
          It is out of the ordinary from what I usually write however I want to ensure my long-standing followers that I will be continuing to write south Asian representation fiction and I am actually working on a piece as we speak.
          But due to my friends’s birthday coming up, I will be first publishing  the Rafe Cameron ff.
          I do hope you still enjoy reading it, and I promise to all the followers that I will still represent the south Asian community and write original fiction.
          Lotus x


 Awesome !the only good Rafe Cameron fanfic I’ve read is Rock Bottom idk if you have read it and a few others, but there are very few good ones. I hope this one is good too.


Just finished reading your story The Lost Dynasty 
          I can't stop my tears and you have left a scar on me 
          It's the best book i ever read 
          The last few chapters left me so emotional and it felt so real idk but i felt like i feel their love their pain i wish they had a happy ending but not every love story had happy ending 
          Your writing was amazing 
          And finally Thank you for this awesome masterpiece 


Your message has brought me joy and I do miss writing 
            Hopefully when the time is right
            I can continue 
            With “the sultans of New York”


I would like to thank to the new readers for “the lost Dynasty “ and I hope to get back to writing with my new book. Thank you for your patience and I hope you the next story is up to your expectations.


I just finished reading your book The Lost Dynasty like an hour ago. Explain to me why I’m typing on my keyboard with uncontrollable tears. You have absolutely left a scar on me and I just admire stories as such. If this was a book published you wouldn’t be surprised to see it on my bookshelf. I loved the characters. I love that you didn’t make them perfect and had their flaws. It was an absolute journey reading this. You have my high appreciation for making a story set in the Mughal era because those are rare. The last few chapters had me sobbing and i could not stop. I love how you portrayed them as meant for each other but not the right lifetimes. Those stories really have an impact. Your writing was amazing and have high hopes you create more stories like these. I know it’s silly but will we ever get a story where saif finds her again in new setting? Just a thought. THANK YOU FOR THIS MASTERPIECE I won’t be forgetting anytime soon.


@L0tus16  I’m sure they do love. I’ve asked my sister and friends to check the story out and they have. Im making sure that everyone I know has read this beautiful story.  I hope this can be small source for your inspiration to keep writing :)


Thank you so much for your kind words, and I wish more people felt the same way about the story


Just finished readjng The Lost Dynasty it was the best book I've read so far i liked that it didn't end with them being together, i got extremely emotional on the last couple of chapters yet it felt so real like i was seeing it in front of my eyes i felt their love and the risks they had to take for their love  


I’m so happy my work made u feel some form of emotion and that u were able to picture it with ur own imagination. Thank you so much for ur support. I have written a new book based in the 1920s (the great gastby era) based on south Asian men dominating the crime world 
            Would u be interested?


I just finished lost dynasty and it was too good. It was very real and I liked that it didn’t necessarily end with hero and heroine together as life is not always sunshine and rainbows. But Saif, Kyda, and all the other characters managed to find peace. Seriously I love it sooo much!! ❤️❤️❤️


I’m so glad u enjoyed it
            I am writing a new book and I am going to update it on Friday 