
Hello everyone, I just wanted to say that I’m very sorry for the lack of updating. I’m 17 and I have like less than 2 years left of school and these years are very important to me. I take a levels (they’re qualifications u take in the UK) and I’m taking 4 (a nightmare, idk why I didn’t take 3 like everyone else).
          	Yeah so it’s stressful, but I’m almost finished with chapter 2 and it will hopefully be finished this week.
          	Anyway, I’m thinking of making an update schedule, I don’t think I’ll stick to it every week but I’ll try. So what days would u like me to update?


Hi when are you going to update shattered to pieces?


Hey sorry it took so long to reply but I’ve been really busy. My exams r starting this week and don’t end until the 1st of July. So I can’t update right now at all. But u should expect a new chapter by the 4th or 5th of July. Thank u for ur patience ❤️


Hello everyone, I just wanted to say that I’m very sorry for the lack of updating. I’m 17 and I have like less than 2 years left of school and these years are very important to me. I take a levels (they’re qualifications u take in the UK) and I’m taking 4 (a nightmare, idk why I didn’t take 3 like everyone else).
          Yeah so it’s stressful, but I’m almost finished with chapter 2 and it will hopefully be finished this week.
          Anyway, I’m thinking of making an update schedule, I don’t think I’ll stick to it every week but I’ll try. So what days would u like me to update?


Just noticed you've given my story a chance. So I'm dropping by to let you know that I truly appreciate it and hope you'll find my work worth-it. Feedback and comments are more than welcome. Once again, thank you so much for making my day better ❤️


Hi everyone, 
          I don't know if any of you have heard but there was a security breach on Wattpad which exposed information of 270 million users. This could include emails, usernames, date of births, genders, social media linked to your account. Wattpad only announced this today and it's very unprofessional of them.
          Basically, long story short, there was a security breach on 20 of June I think. The data of 270 million users was sold and published on a forum for hacking, that what I heard. If your account was created before 2017 then your IP address might have been exposed. Anyway, Wattpad only decided to announce this month when it happened in June. A MONTH ago. 
          I'm linking some things that might help you. If you have any important emails linked to your account remove it. Any social media remove it. Make sure to change your password for Wattpad, any emails linked to your account. 
          Here's a tweet from Wattpad about the situation:

          This is a link that will guide you on what to do:

          This is an article about the whole thing from Wattpad:

          Please be safe and tell anyone you know about this because Wattpad doesn't even want to announce it on their website or Instagram. Only twitter. They most probably tried to solve the issue without telling the users and this is getting out of hand.
          Hope this helps. 
          Stay safe.


@Claire101202 Thanks for gathering all this info!


Hi, just wanted to say I love this book and I’m personally glad you got rid of the incest idea... I hope quarantine is treating you well 


No there isn’t ahahha


@BadassSkater01 there's incest here...?


Hey everyone,
          Really sorry that I haven't updated in a while, writer's block came and said hello. Seriously, every time I would try to write a new chapter I just end up stopping because I just like can't do it. But I promise I'll try to upload it this Saturday or Sunday. It'll be coming soon.
          Anyway, how is everyone in quarantine? How's life going for you?


It’s okay, I understand! Tho I’m excited hear that you might upload soon! 
            Personally, I’ve become extremely lonely, it sucks!  I got laid off from work and my BF broke up with me, quarantine has been a very unfortunate event! Wbu? How are you?