this message may be offensive
Someone said, "you are overreacting, stop being dramatic, stop bring back the past." Hello? Bixch listen, that little piece of shit was affected my confident and now i struggle with anxiety, low self esteem and self doubt. And you are telling me its normal?

@LACRIMIUS aku jdi inget sesuatu..u should fight for ur own happines ya dear, selama gak kekuar koridor syariat islam kamu punya hak buat hidupmu sendiri. klo milih sesuatu ikutin passion kamu aja ya opini org jangan terlalu dipikirin...bakal super tiring menjalani sesuatu yg kamu gak suka. Hshsh jadi ngelantur. Hope u live your life fully pokoknya

@LACRIMIUS aww thank you dear. Ya bener kita harus fight for ourself...meski gak bisa atur mulut org seenggaknya kita bisa tutup telinga ( ya semoga bisa ya//emott nangis)

What happened? I still don't get it

HOW ? DARE ? YALL ?LOOK ?THAT? GOOD?@*@(@((@????? No thoughts head empty, completely in love with yangyang's hairstyle /sniff

@LACRIMIUS imo that's totally okkay. Bahkan sampe sekarang aja suka gtu bikin sebuah plot cerita atau kejadian dalam imajinasi sendiri..can't help, it relieves my stress away.

@MiimosaPudica trus, hes already cute with his original hairstyle:3 but its needed for concept so... yeah gimana lagi kkkkk, i was that weird and dramatic kids who speak to herself and speak to plant:3 i dunno why i do that but that kinda funny too, its like having temen yg gakeliatan lol, u know kids love to making up story

Knp relaynya hendery brasa bentar banget ya:v Baru aja ngedip Udahan.... Nder ngelive 24 jam cuma bengong aja aku anteng nntonnya nder

@MiimosaPudica abis cakep bgt gilaㅠㅠ, apalagi ekspresi serius pas ngegamenya hshsgs, heem, mungkin emg idnya ajun hero nya msh dikit atau gmn kurang paham juga aku ndak ngegame