i’m going to delete the wattpad app and thus leave this account! there won’t be more new stories nor will i log back in the near future. if you (on a rare chance), want to keep in contact, feel free to chat with me on twt or insta (usernames in bio)! stay safe and healthy ♡ 
          	— liv :)


i’m going to delete the wattpad app and thus leave this account! there won’t be more new stories nor will i log back in the near future. if you (on a rare chance), want to keep in contact, feel free to chat with me on twt or insta (usernames in bio)! stay safe and healthy ♡ 
          — liv :)


Heeeey, I just want to say sorry about the rants I have commented on your stories but that's only because your writing is so beautiful. And because I cried and I wasn't thinking straight and still really liked your writing!! Please keep writing because I think it inspires a lot of people including me!! 
          If you actually read this great and have a nice day!!


            don’t worry, i surely understood the intention behind your passionate words, and it delights me to no end to know how much you adore and love my creative works!  i may have stopped writing for bts, but i haven’t given up on writing in general, so maybe i will publish some works soon on other platforms. once again, thank you so much! your kind words made my day!


Ich bin momentan deine One-Shots über die Charaktere von Attack on Titan am lesen und ich liebe sie einfach <3
          Es ist nicht einfach nur runter geraspelter Sex, es ist vieeel schöner.
          Ich danke Dir, dass du diese wundervollen Ideen und Tagträume mit uns teilst und ich wünsche mir für dich, dass du auch weiter hin Spaß daran hast. Danke 


and girl, you're so talented? your writing, your drawings. just everything. i love your writing. you're so creative. all the oneshots you've thought of, all the series, they're all so amazing ??? i love how you put words, how every word in your writing fits so damn well in the sentence. i love how i can feel what the characters feel when i read your books, it's just so well written. also, you always tell me how talented i am when it comes to art, but did you see your works? *mindblown*
          in conclusion: you're an amazing friend, a good writer who can draw so well. and i love you really very a lot much truly hecking spooning knifing forking effing much.
          i have so much more to say, girl you don't even know, but my vision's going blurry, so yeah. i lOVE YOU A LOT, KAY, BYE ❤️
          *throws tissues* you might need them bcuz i do.


did you know i first didn't believe relationships could be build through texts? you taught me otherwise. relationships could indeed be build with texts. you're the first person to ever make me have a laughing fit with just texts. you're the first person to ever make me cry with those texts. 
          (fck, i'm crying)
          we didn't even meet each other, yet you still are a big part of my life. i promise, one day, we'll meet, hug the shiet out of each other, heck, you can even pat my head. i can't wait until the day i can finally take pictures with you, go to your favorite caffé and buy you an espresso because you love that almost more than me. 


hey, liv! there're some things i wanted you to know. i was supposed to do it yesterday, but the dump kebab i am, i fell asleep before i could tell you. you know that i'm not always serious, i can't be really serious, so if i crack a joke, you gotta know i still mean everything that's written here with my heart.
          you're such a great friend, you know that? probably not. but believe me when i say you're an amazing, lovely and beautiful person in and out. i love you so much, you don't even know. how do i even deserve such a wonderful person in my life?