Horse-riding was never Tanya's thing. How could it be when she has never ridden a horse before? Until now. Since Tanya only recently bought the male horse, she's been contemplating to practice riding it, in fear of falling. Tanya gripped the reins of her horse as she guided it to the left. Everything was going well, until the horse sped up and Tanya didn't know how to calm him down. "Queen, take it easy. Calm down, you little piece of--" Tanya couldn't finish off her sentence, because she almost fell from the horse, now catching the attention of the passerbys. She continued gripping the reins tightly, even though she feel it slipping away from her grasp.
Not long after, Tanya fell from her horse and landed on a muddy field. Better than a concrete ground. "Oww!" She winced in pain as her back made contact at the ground, panicking at the sight of her horse running away. "Queen, no!" She shouted as she tried to stand up, and only desperately falling. A voice caught her attention, "Are you alright, Miss? Your fall was pretty strong.." Asked her fellow Zodiac.