I did something very interesting to work on my voice. I rewrote a generic text in the three different styles I tend to lean into the most. You can share your styles too, I'm curious to see how they'll turn out.
Here the generic passage:
"The old house sat at the edge of the town, abandoned for years. The windows were broken, the paint peeled, and the door creaked on its hinges when the wind blew. No one dared to go inside anymore. The last person who did was never seen again."
1.- Psychological: Decades had past since the last owners of the house left it behind. It was still standing, tall and obscured by the nearby trees. It creaked sometimes, as if breathing from it's broken windows and hanging doors. The paint on the walls was peeling off, slowly, with the humidity of wood that hasn't been kissed by the sun in too long. Everyone in town knew better than to go inside, for the last person who did never came back.
2.- Detached but bleeding: People in town refused to go inside that house. I got it. The house was abandoned for decades. The windows were broken, the doors made strange noises and the walls were peeling off in rotten chunks of paint. Those seemed like enough reasons, but there was more. One little detail: the last person who went inside never came out. I still can hear the screams.
3.- Sensory and violent : At nights, when the town was awfully quiet, the abandoned house seemed to cry with its squeaky whines, as if the mare touch of the wind, threatening to tear down it's crumbling walls, was a source of torture. The doors where pending by a thread, the walls peeling off, crust by crust and the windows shattered. Nobody dared go inside, the corners were infested with cockroaches and mice and the rotten smell of it's structure was way too invasive. On top of all that, the last time a person went inside, he was never heard of again.
Which one do you like better?