
What's up Guys, Gals, and variations thereupon.
          	This message goes out to everyone who has read my first book, Triskelion chronicles : Devils and Darkness. (Don't worry, the title will be changed in the second draft). 
          	I was curious as to what aspects of the book you enjoyed the most. What characters were your favourite, and what scenes and moments you liked the most. 
          	As well, I would also like to know which characters you felt were the weakest and where you feel certain aspects and scenes, and characters , you felt need the most attention from me as a writer.
          	Hopefully soon, I shall have a revised version of the prologue and first chapter posted . 
          	Most if not all feedback will be accounted for while reviewing my next version of the book, so stay tuned. also please note that i will be leaving the original draft online for posterity , in the wake of the rewrite. 
          	Regards, Ya boi.


What's up Guys, Gals, and variations thereupon.
          This message goes out to everyone who has read my first book, Triskelion chronicles : Devils and Darkness. (Don't worry, the title will be changed in the second draft). 
          I was curious as to what aspects of the book you enjoyed the most. What characters were your favourite, and what scenes and moments you liked the most. 
          As well, I would also like to know which characters you felt were the weakest and where you feel certain aspects and scenes, and characters , you felt need the most attention from me as a writer.
          Hopefully soon, I shall have a revised version of the prologue and first chapter posted . 
          Most if not all feedback will be accounted for while reviewing my next version of the book, so stay tuned. also please note that i will be leaving the original draft online for posterity , in the wake of the rewrite. 
          Regards, Ya boi.


Hey, how are you? :) 


Good luck with all of that!! Gosh, I know editing can be a pain. I’m good as well, same old same old. Currently writing two books, Render Me Starless and Teach Me. Lots of fun but stressful to get updates on time. 
            I just thought I’d check on you :) 


@-rendermestarless  Heyo. I'm good. Still working away at editing triskelion chronicles. U?


Hey guys, gals and variations thereupon. I've recently reread my work on the Triskelion Chronicles (Both of them) and came to the decision to make a few edits. More or less the majority of the first book will be relatively unchanged apart from a few plot points here and there, though most of the first two chapters will be altered to fit this. While the entirety of Harmony and Discord will be deleted due to plotting, pacing, and character issues.
          You may notice a few edits to my main series will be happening over the coming months so don't be alarmed.  I'm doing this to ensure that i'm giving you all the best i can give you.  
          In the meantime, I will be keeping the books up in their original form, however once the editing has been made, i will be deleting it. Thank you so much for your support, and if any of you have any suggestions as to how to improve my series, through either character or story issues then i will be open to suggestions.
          Regards, L.C.V.Murphy
          p.s. i will be uploading the revised versions of the series as soon as they are completed


Hey guys, gals and variations thereupon. I've recently reread my work on the Triskelion Chronicles (Both of them) and came to the decision to make a few edits. More or less the majority of the first book will be relatively unchanged apart from a few plot points here and there, though most of the first two chapters will be altered to fit this. While the entirety of Harmony and Discord will be deleted due to plotting, pacing, and character issues.
          You may notice a few edits to my main series will be happening over the coming months so don't be alarmed.  I'm doing this to ensure that i'm giving you all the best i can give you.  
          In the meantime, I will be keeping the books up in their original form, however once the editing has been made, i will be deleting it. Thank you so much for your support, and if any of you have any suggestions as to how to improve my series, through either character or story issues then i will be open to suggestions.
          Regards, L.C.V.Murphy


Hey, guys, gals, and variations thereupon. A really close friend of mine just uploaded a new book that she wrote. It's really good! Check it out. "His Only Hope" by  beccac3318. Couldn't recommend it highly enough.


this message may be offensive
So... I probably should have mentioned this before, but when I first started writing Harmony and Discord I though I was going to have a lot more time on my hands than I have now. About that... Turns out I was fucking WROOOOOONNNNNGGGG! lol yeah. Most of my time is kind of being taken up with other stuff (Study.) Anyway, I've still been working really hard on writing the next few chapters, but it's still going to take some time. Thank you all for being so patient with me and my erratic upload schedule.


Hey guys....
          So, It's recently come to my attention that 'Nightly' is actually spelled 'Knightly'...
          Well shee-it. I'm going to be making some edits to the book series in the next coming days. So if you notice that Jack and Hazel Knightly's names have changed spellings, now yo know why.
          -L.C.V. Murphy