
Hey guys! Long time, no see (again). Now that Christmas is over and exams are coming up, I have had NO time to write. I thought I would have at least a little something to post by now, but I'm in a bad episode of writer's block (I blame it on school). So until further notice, I will not be posting anything new BUT I'm guessing I'll have something up by February, when I start my new semester. Until then, feel free to check out and re-read any of my previous written chapters of Him on Defence ;) Hopefully, I'll see you all again soon, my friends!


Hey guys! Long time, no see (again). Now that Christmas is over and exams are coming up, I have had NO time to write. I thought I would have at least a little something to post by now, but I'm in a bad episode of writer's block (I blame it on school). So until further notice, I will not be posting anything new BUT I'm guessing I'll have something up by February, when I start my new semester. Until then, feel free to check out and re-read any of my previous written chapters of Him on Defence ;) Hopefully, I'll see you all again soon, my friends!


Hey guys! It's Thursday again, and the new chapter of Him on Defence: Cry for Help pt. 2 has been published. I hope you all enjoy reading it and make sure to comment, vote, and all that other fun stuff. I appreciate it!


Guess what! It's Thursday and we all know what that means... the new post of HIM ON DEFENCE- Chapter 15 Failed Tests and French Fries has been posted! Go check it out and make sure to vote, comment, and share. I will be away in Florida next week so I'll miss my weekly Thursday update, so don't miss me too much in the time being. See you again soon!


Well hellooo again. It's been a while, but I'm happy to say that CHAPTER 13 of HIM ON DEFENCE is finally up! Is it a Thursday? No. Did I plan on publishing it on a Thursday? Yes. Do I know it's Friday now? Yes. 
          The new chapter is called Josh's Threat- so give it a read! I'd appreciate it! All new chapters will resume being posted on Thursdays. Except for today apparently. Have a great Friday!


@kalg12 I missed you too! Let me know how you're liking the new chapters!


Hey guys! Some of you have messaged me wondering when I will post the next chapter of Him On Defence. Between the end of summer/ school coming up, moving houses, and just life in general, I haven't been able to get much writing done. I just wanted to let you all know I'll be taking a quick break from Wattpad, just to get everything in order, then I'll be back with some great new stuff! I don't know when my next update will be yet, but I will keep you all posted!