
Hi all, I am back and there has been an update to IASWAFL. I'm sorry, I don't know why wattpad didn't notify you. 
          	As for physical copies of BTTB, I've had to adjust the formatting quite a few times, but we are close to being done! I apologize, my stint in the hospital took me away from publishing, but it's almost there Xx


@ LHStylinson  great to know that you are back, just take it easy 


@LHStylinson I am so glad you are doing well. Just know you were constantly in my thoughts.


Your health is more important we will be here when you’re ready to get back to work 


hi! i saw you was back and didn’t realise until a few days ago but have just binged all the chapters that were released on IASWAFL. were all glad you’re back and doing better! health is so important and i’m glad you was able to have help x


@SiennaStiles thank you  I'm doing much better. I hope you had a fun read ! Xx


Hi all, I am back and there has been an update to IASWAFL. I'm sorry, I don't know why wattpad didn't notify you. 
          As for physical copies of BTTB, I've had to adjust the formatting quite a few times, but we are close to being done! I apologize, my stint in the hospital took me away from publishing, but it's almost there Xx


@ LHStylinson  great to know that you are back, just take it easy 


@LHStylinson I am so glad you are doing well. Just know you were constantly in my thoughts.


Your health is more important we will be here when you’re ready to get back to work 


Hi y'all exciting news for the holidays !! Part 1 physical copy of Back to the Beginning will be available in less than 2 weeks for purchase. If anyone would like to gift the book, or of course, buy one for yourself! This is where my time has gone haha
          My husband is also doing a holiday deal for his company. He does family genealogy and can travel back your roots and build you a family story, no DNA required ! For those of you that don't know, part of my family ascends from Nigeria, and Jack was able to trace all the way back to the port where the slaves were taken from. He's amazing at what he does, and it's a fun gift to give your entire family! Right now only avilable for US and Canadian citizens. 
          You can email him at glgrobe4@gmail.com :) 
          Let him know you are a follower, and he'll dig as much as he can and build you a story for 20/hr, you pick how many hours he works. Just so you know, he's dug up political campaign dirt in 15 minutes ;) 
          Much love Xx


THATS SO EXCITING!! i have to get that for my friend when it’s officially released!! 


Hi y'all ! Just wanted to let you know this chapter is going to be late, and I'm sorry for that. I started a new job and writing has been put on the backburner, but you'll love what's in store :) thank you for your patience ! Xx


@ LHStylinson  don't worry! 


LHStylinson, I am enjoying your latest story. I enjoy all of your stories. 11/14 is my birthday. If you want to publish the next chapter as a birthday gift, I would not be mad at you. 
          Your biggest fan!!!!!


@1975berry Luckily all of your wishes will be granted, and maybe not all at once, but you will be seeing a lot of this soon :) I always love your comments, and hope you had the best best birthday Xx 


@LHStylinson Thank you for the birthday wishes. 
            I would love to see Flynn and Rory get a little more intimate. I think they both need that to help them heal from past partners or hookups. We all know they love each other. Or Louis and Flynn could have a heart to heart. Louis explained his fears for Rory because of the situation with Emerson. Flynn can explain his attention with Rory. Or if Cody is filling up to it Flynn could meet the entire immediate family, all the siblings and their partners and kids.
            Again thank you for the birthday wishes. I am looking forward to the next chapter. And I can't wait for Charlie's story. 
            You are an amazing author.


@1975berry Omg happy birthday !!! I hope you have an amazing day :) unfortunately the update isn't ready yet, but I'm only a few pages in and if there's something you want to see i can see if I can squeeze it in as a present Xx


New update of IASWAFL will be tn !! So sorry it was a little late, my house lost wifi when I wanted to post of course. But tonight, next chapter is yours ! 
          Hint- The Tomlinsons forgot something pretty major 


@LHStylinson I can't be the only checking every 15 minutes for the chapter. I am loving this book. I can't wait to reread it once it's completed!!! 


@1975berry you're right omg. 