Helloo Peps ! ಥ‿ಥ Apologies for being silent . I'm still alive not dead , I just haven't been active here for a long time and I kinda don't like yalking as much either . For the last Ronin , Sad to say I have not much plans on continuing it . I mean mabye in the near future I would if I go back in tmnt again but right now I have other matters to follow and other fandoms heh.. Ya know when I simply posted it as fun back then. I didn't expect it many peps to like it. So I didn't think it would mean much if I'd stay silent but guess it was a mistake on my part. It really a surprise and it touches my heart for people still reading my book I really appreciate it . Thank you so much ( •́ ‿ ,•̀) ! IM SEND U GAIS MANY HEARTS AND VIRTUAL HUGS (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ\(ϋ)/♩ Again im sorry that I've gone Inactive tho loki loyal with wattpad but sometimes I delete it on some cases and read on a03 ÓwÓ

@LIES_TO_ME Sheo , I have been going inactive on wattpad and I haven't written in a long time either so.. Yeah idk about adding songa on wattpad .

@LIES_TO_ME you're welcome I just had that in my head for a long long time and I actually have a story that I made and I was wondering if you can help me with the next chapter it's called Frozen mountains home you can just click on to my profile and go to the story it is a good story and I'm not good at writing I had to ask my grandfather for help but anyways you're welcome I had that in my head for a long time and you deserve all the love in the world that everybody has given love to your story and like I said earlier may God bless your soul