Hey, idk if you remember me, but I used to be @kiibleforever Anyway, I know we haven't talked in literally forever, but I wanted to tell you that the book 'Nerd' my old WilLiam book, is being edited into a BTS book, and I noticed you're reading BTS books. You don't have to read it, but I know you liked the book when it was first uploaded, and I wanted to tell you about it. Anyway, I hope you're doing well Lilith<3

@Sweaterpaws_Jimin Awww thats sweet, I'll make sure to continue commenting then

@LILITH_SHADA I'm so glad! I was thinking about you when editing it, because you were so funny in all of the comments(I didn't delete any of them, they're still there) and I wanted to let you know about it!