
Hello, I know this isn't my place to say anything. But do you need someone to talk too? I'll stay up all night if I have too, just please reconsider what you stated in your bio. Please. I'm honestly terrified at the thought of you not being here living, breathing, or anything tommorow.
          But please, I don't know what your going through, but I can listen. I can and will do as much as I can... You have so many people who feel the same as I do, it'll break their hearts... And you won't get to experience so much in life if you decide to end it now. You won't know what happened in the next episode of your favorite show, how you grow into a amazing person, how many new friends you could make, and so, so much more.
          Forgive me for how cheesy this all is, but I am telling the truth. Please message me if you need it, and sincerely I think you do.