
@K1SSLATER   Only because I have a compulsive need to reply- kidding ; ) Thx! 
          	1- Crush? 
          	Not atm. 
          	2- Middle Name? 
          	It's a secret lest someone *cough cough Ace* uses it against me somehow ; ) 
          	3- Height? 
          	About 171cm (because the metric system works) 
          	4- Eye colour? (Yes 'coloUr') 
          	Blue-green-brown  Yep 
          	5-Last Cried? 
          	I genuinely don't remember when I last have a good cry - blessed rn 
          	6- Biggest fear? 
          	Loosing my memory
          	7- Last Song Listened To? 
          	I'm listening to music rn so this will change by the time I post but 'Monster' <3
          	8-Last Person Texted? 
          	My friend Maddy : ) 
          	9-Fav App? 
          	Idk- this, Pinterest, B612 and Draw It? I really don't have one. Sorry 
          	10- Tags 
          	@ArchieBlue @TheMadHaza41 
          	Your turn! 
          	P.s. Send me updates! 


@K1SSLATER   Only because I have a compulsive need to reply- kidding ; ) Thx! 
          1- Crush? 
          Not atm. 
          2- Middle Name? 
          It's a secret lest someone *cough cough Ace* uses it against me somehow ; ) 
          3- Height? 
          About 171cm (because the metric system works) 
          4- Eye colour? (Yes 'coloUr') 
          Blue-green-brown  Yep 
          5-Last Cried? 
          I genuinely don't remember when I last have a good cry - blessed rn 
          6- Biggest fear? 
          Loosing my memory
          7- Last Song Listened To? 
          I'm listening to music rn so this will change by the time I post but 'Monster' <3
          8-Last Person Texted? 
          My friend Maddy : ) 
          9-Fav App? 
          Idk- this, Pinterest, B612 and Draw It? I really don't have one. Sorry 
          10- Tags 
          @ArchieBlue @TheMadHaza41 
          Your turn! 
          P.s. Send me updates!