
Hey guys! I just posted a new chapter of my ongoing phanfic and it would mean the world to me if you checked it out (especially since my birthday’s in a couple days). If you don’t want to, that’s cool too. I hope you’re all having the bestest day or the sweetest dreams <3 :) 


Hey guys! I just posted a new chapter of my ongoing phanfic and it would mean the world to me if you checked it out (especially since my birthday’s in a couple days). If you don’t want to, that’s cool too. I hope you’re all having the bestest day or the sweetest dreams <3 :) 


Oh my gosh guys I'm so sorry I never posted yesterday! I was in Seattle on vacation and completely forgot  My plane's just about to board to get back home but I won't be there until tomorrow so that's when I'll update. Hope you're all having a splendid end to your summer 


In case any of you haven't guessed already, I post updates of APFMT every Friday. That is why I am sorry to say I probably won't be able to post tomorrow. Along with it being my mom's birthday, I'm currently on vacation in a different country which means wifi is a must and so on and so forth and what have you. This isn't a definite but it is the most likely outcome. If I'm not able to post tomorrow I'll make sure to do it as soon as I can! Thanks for understanding! Hope you're all having a great summer (or winter) :)