
Yo! Skitzo here! I forgot to add something in chapter 4 of KOG Book 2. If you guys were wondering what Azrael's new suit looked like, i already edited it there.
          	And do take note of the bold note i left there. Anyways, thats all! 


Thank you for voting on my story! I appreciate it a lot! I'd like to know your thoughts on it!


Oh my gosh! Thanks for the response! I was happy to see you pop up in my notifications! I’m happy whenever someone reacts positively to my story than you so much for taking the time to read it and respond to my message! Also, I personally don’t think you’re a beginner anymore you’ve written quite a few books already! I see it’s mostly fan fiction so I hope you’ll write an original one day! I like tour fan fics I read it on the toad to school. By the way, do you know any other food wattpad stories that are sci-fi based? I’m getting into sci-fi recently but most of the recommendations I get are rofans lol. 


@pinkglitchrabbit sorry for the very late reply. Honestly, I don't really know what to say since I'm actually a beginner with the whole writing stuff here in wattpad. So again, I don't really know what to say. But I did enjoy how you write your book. And your story is really intriguing. Overall, It's not really bad in my opinion. So keep up the good work!


Hi there LJSkitzo! I'm currently reading your RWBY Fanfic, The Knights of Grimm, and it's intriguing more so because I don't really know much about RWBY. I'm actually writing a novel of my own "Ace in the Hole" and would appreciate it if you would give it a critique so I can improve! It'd also be nice if you can give a recommendation of what else to read here, thanks! ~Yang


Yo! How's it going.


@LJSkitzo no problem. Just wondering if your alive. Lol. 


@TheDarkEmperor Yoo! Sorry, but the 10th chapter will not be posted just yet. But it is in progress. Im just too busy with school works at the moment amd couldnt find the time to write. But i promise ill post it as soon as i can.
            Thanks for understanding


Yo! Skitzo here! I forgot to add something in chapter 4 of KOG Book 2. If you guys were wondering what Azrael's new suit looked like, i already edited it there.
          And do take note of the bold note i left there. Anyways, thats all! 


Yo, Skitzo here. So ive been thinking lately, and i have decided to remove the 30th chapter and change the ending of Knights of Grimm 29th chapter's ending and make that chapter the final chapter of Knights Of Grimm Book 1
          There are 2 reasons.
          1 its because i have to make more and more chapters in book 1 before moving on to the 2nd book (which is in progress btw) and i want to move on to that book immediately.
          The second reason is because i have ran out on ideas on what to do when im making the 31st chapter of KOG. And im already tired just mentioning it haha.
          So in other words, for all the people who have read the 30th chapter and probably interested, i apologize for i have to change some stuff.
          Once again, my apologies.


@LJSkitzo you could make it a spinoff Book. If you want.


@LJSkitzo no problem. I'm excited for book 2


Hey there. I just want to say that I am really enjoying the Grimm Knight story and I was wondering if you wanted to perhaps use one of my Rwby OC's. I only have 2 right now and one of them is a villain that I think would fits in this story nicely. He's being use other rwby stories too actually. I could message you the OC's if you want so you can take a look at them.


@LJSkitzo no problemo and sweet!


@TheDarkEmperor Heyo! I'm really glad you actually enjoyed my Grimm Of Knights book. Honestly i was worried that someone might think it sucks because of my writing skills . But overall, Its good to know one of my readers enjoyed my book.
            And as for your OC's, I'll consider using one of them in my future volumes. 
            Again, I'm really glad to hear that you like my Grimm Of Knights bool and thank you for reading it with pure interest!