Breaking News: I found a way to bring characters from fiction to reality. Will it be successful? I'll find out soon enough, probably quite a few years. The impossible will become possible.
Out of curiosity, are any of you familiar with metafiction? Or is that uncommon of a genre that it's basically unknown. Well, I don't call it a unicorn genre for nothing.
@bosandaros I wouldn't say it's a self-insert, per se, since I have one. But I also use myself as the writer using my pen name instead. There aren't a lot of examples to go from. None technically for my style of metafiction
@LJWright777 The closest I can think of that sounds even remotely common is basically self-insert characters in fiction, power fantasies, and the like.
Different personas can give you a different perspective of the world, just ask one of the twelve or so I have it'll leave you with the question . . . Is that person real? You'll never know. Anyway, my writing server is a great place to be, it's lax and free. Feel free to join: