
The Struggle of Dreaming When You're Awake (chapter 23) of The Cardinal Club saga has been posted to wrap up June in a neat little bow with just under 60,000 words. I'm setting my sights on the finish line now and am hoping to see Afara's initiation complete within the next 3 chapters (knock on wood), however, I am beginning to worry about my word count and its rapidly increasing size. I still need enough wiggle room for my vigorous editing period set to start immediately after chapter completion. This journey has been agonizing, terrifying, and chock full of learning experiences.  
          	Here's to the craziest 10 months of my life.


The Struggle of Dreaming When You're Awake (chapter 23) of The Cardinal Club saga has been posted to wrap up June in a neat little bow with just under 60,000 words. I'm setting my sights on the finish line now and am hoping to see Afara's initiation complete within the next 3 chapters (knock on wood), however, I am beginning to worry about my word count and its rapidly increasing size. I still need enough wiggle room for my vigorous editing period set to start immediately after chapter completion. This journey has been agonizing, terrifying, and chock full of learning experiences.  
          Here's to the craziest 10 months of my life.


I've reached 50k words with chapter 20, but it doesn't quite feel like I'm ready to be proud of my work yet. When I first began writing this story I thought I had a clear idea of things, just to find out many times I was wrong. Some characters weren't totally fleshed out, some places missing key environmental components, some paragraphs using repeating words or phrases, AND THE NUMEROUS TYPOS HAUNTING ME IN THE BACKGROUND! Needless to say I have my work piling up, haha. I'm trying to note all the things I want to add/change during the editing phase, but it's hard to keep track of it all. However proud of the work I already am, after seeing my progression in writing I can't happily offer my book to people like this... It's just... Not... Good...
          Anywayyyy, I hope you can enjoy chapter 20 with all your little gremlin braincells in tact. <3 ty


OH MY GOSH! It is JUNE! Where did the time go? Anyway, before I apologize for disappearing for an entire month without warning, I hope life has been treating you all very well because it seems as if my luck for this year ran out all at once.
          I've had to address many priority matters in my life that have unfortunately taken precedence over my book series, as a result I'm no where near finishing to quota on my previously stated goal. Nevertheless and not to worry, I am back to writing my sordid little tales for you all once more! On that note, I apologize profusely for my absence in one of the most pivotal parts in the series. (yikes)
          Enough cliff-hangers, your feeble little bony fingers cannot hold me back anymore! Gremlin brigade, it's time to make it stinky! (Kurtis Conner reference)


Hello all you reading gremlins, 
          As you can see I added a new story to my page! I do hope you will give it read and tell me what you think! It's different from my current novella, The Cardinal Club, but still very much loved. My characters are giving me a headache haha! I wanted to branch out a bit and try something new, Nirvana encompasses all of the things I've come to appreciate from other authors that have inspired me. I'm wildly excited about this little side project and I can't wait to see how it ends. <3 :3


We are nearing the end of book 1, my gremlins.
          In just a few more chapters, I'll have to start my rewrite of the manuscript. 44k words later, and here we are. I want my first book to end somewhere between 60,000 and 100,000 words.
          Ambitious? Yes, but didn't I just cook up half a novel in just a couple of months? The burnout season has passed. I'm ready to show my laptop whose boss.


Coming up on 40k words. It's been a wild ride so far in this series, I didn't expect to get so invested in the drama side of things, but here we are! LOL
          I'll get to the spice again soon, but this story needed some fleshing out. 
          Bare with me reading gremlins!


Hello everyone! I'm currently sitting at 35,000 words for this story and have come to a crossroads on making this a single novella or a series.  I'd love to hear your thoughts on the matter. In the meantime, I hope you all are enjoying the story as much as I am!


Nearing 30,000 words is like... unbelievable to me at this point. I've never committed so hard to something in my entire life. That might be a sad and revealing fact about me, but by looking at that, I can be proud of how far I have made it.


Alrighty folks, I know you all have been waiting for the amazing thing that is chapter 8, however before that, I had to finally post an author's note. If I wait any longer I'll feel like a neglectful parent. The book being my baby. 
          Anyway chapter 8 but not chapter 8 which is an author's note, is now out if you would like to read it. 
          It contains all my thoughts on my notes everything that has brought me up to this point in creating my main three characters. 
          If there's any time to give me any suggestion or tell me anything you really like about the book or anything you'd like me to expand upon now is the time. ❤


Wassup BEOTCH, by that I mean my attractive book-thieving NUGGETS.
          WHOO HOO! I FINISHED CHAPTER SEVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          *bows triumphantly* 
          Thank you all for being here with me and supporting me for this special moment. Writing this book has been on my bucket list for seven years, so it's only fair for me to reach my goal in the seventh chapter.
          Most importantly, thank you for READING. I encourage you all to use the comments/reactions within the reading tab; if you feel so inclined. I'd love to hear your thoughts about the recent spicy events taking place between a certain set of characters (No spoilers).
          Any-who, yippee to me.
          Congratulations on making it this far with me on this miraculous journey!
          The moon cat is very pleased.
          They wish your week to be filled with many happy moments, good luck charms, and the universe to ever be on your side. <3