Mom: you’re going to your cousin’s house for the day
          	Me: * realizing that my mom is talking about my cousin from my dad’s side of the family and not wanting to go over there because they gave me trust issues and separation anxiety *
          	Me: * anxious as hell because, I haven’t seen them for these past two years*        Yay…


@justgalaxywolf thank you for the motivation! hopefully it goes well


@Pisces26d don't think I've ever talked with you, but.. Good luck. I'm sure it'll be okay! You got this


Mom: you’re going to your cousin’s house for the day
          Me: * realizing that my mom is talking about my cousin from my dad’s side of the family and not wanting to go over there because they gave me trust issues and separation anxiety *
          Me: * anxious as hell because, I haven’t seen them for these past two years*        Yay…


@justgalaxywolf thank you for the motivation! hopefully it goes well


@Pisces26d don't think I've ever talked with you, but.. Good luck. I'm sure it'll be okay! You got this


I don’t why but I just remembered something when I was like 5 or 6, it was when I was at my grandmother’s house with my aunt because she in town for the week and I got to spend time with her, so when I was sleeping in the living room, I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night and when I looked at where the fireplace was I saw a lady with a beautiful white gown and white veil over her face but the thing is she was ghostly like and I couldn’t see her face, she was glowing a very bright white, I was so scared to death that I ran all the way to my aunts room and she was like, “what’s wrong?”, and I said, “and I sleep with you for the rest of the night?” Like it felt like a dream but when I looked back at the memory it felt to real to even be a dream. So yea that’s my first paranormal experience ever.


I keep seeing spirits lately it’s strange. Today I saw three and that’s rare for me