@jess64 Always.


@LOVELESSJanko Harry Potter FTW.
          There's no need to do that, but I am sure from what I've seen of your writing abilities you could write something that surpasses that easily.  I am not trying to compliment, I'm being serious.  Your writing is absolutely amazing, and I might have to actually finish the story tomorrow since it's now four thirty in the morning and I cannot pull another all-nighter.  (I haven't slept in over fourty eight hours, lol!)
          But no worries, I hope to learn some writing tips from I intend on bugging you as often as I get the chance!  


          Haha, I love Harry Potter, too!
          No problem. I loved your piece and I look forward to reading all of them!
          Baby steps~! If I ever write anything inspiring like you write, I'll definitely dedicate it to you! <3
          I'd love to talk with you and get to know you more, you seem like a really cool person! :3


          Sorry, saw your picture, had to mention my obsession.  Especially with Tom Felton who plays Draco.  Just amazing, love the series altogether.
          Sorry this took ages, my computer is bein' slow now.  Anywho, I just wanted to say thanks for fanning me!  That's really cool, and pretty surprising really.
          I'm happy that You Are Beautiful got a reaction from you, even if it wasn't someting big.  Baby steps.  We're makin' progress with you just wait and see!
          I wrote that exactly for people who feel the same why as you, which also includes myself, and I hope overtime you come to realize that what I wrote in that was completely true.  What others think doesn't matter.  Do not self loathe. 
          Anyways, I'm ALWAYS up for a nice chat about anything, so feel free to swing by my profile and drop a message..or you might get one for me every now and then!  Thank you again, fanning was just incredible of you to do.


Dropped in to thank you for fanning me! It means a lot to know that you found the time to read and support "A Saucy Noodlicious Love Letter" Please feel free to approach me for absolutely anything!
          I do hope others can read your work and see how wonderful a writer you are! I loved your story!
          Happy writing!!
          <3 shandes xoxo


Welcome to Wattpad! I hope you enjoy it here! Haha!  I’m glad you’ve joined wattpad. I love it and I’m sure you will as well. Anyway I’m a Wattpad ambassador so if you have any questions then please don’t be shy just swing by my profile and drop me a message! I love to help!