we’ll always love you, jonghyun.


Hello writer! I hope you are having a nice day or night. I would like to ask you if I could do a Spanish traslation of "He Never Says". My intention is that it reaches more people, I am not going to take credits of the story or anything like that. If you agree, I would like to know! Thanks for reading me and success in al your goals! <3


if you could read my bl story called ‘fly for me’ whenever you can pls do! right now we’re looking for readers and i hope you can deduct some of your time into reading at least one chapter!
          lots of love, -DEPRESSOEXPRESSO-


I just read this story and I broke down tears are falling and I can't stop them. This story is so amazing not sure if its yours or not I know you mentioned something about finding it in Tumblr but who ever wrote it thank you so much and to you for finding it.