
Hi! Im finally writing on "Worth the Change" again, so a chapter should be up this week and hopefully then I'll be able to update regularly!
          	"Rescue me" is coming to an end soon, only a few chapters left!



Hey! Can you read my book 'lies unspoken' and tell me what you think? (:


@foksha96 I've added it to my reading list and will soon read it :) If you could check out one of my books that would be awesome


Hi! I got challenged by @chocolatebrownie22 to list 10 things that make me happy, so here it goes:
          1) being/laughing with friends/family
          2) eating; chocolate, pancakes everything really
          3) running
          4) relaxing on a rainy day
          5) reading a good book
          6) watching tv
          7) Harry styles
          8) getting reads+feedback on my stories, it really means a lot <3
          9) listening to music
          10) travelling!
          I challenge @beakuh , @SweaterWeather_Harry , @bribri5603 @vxidharry and @VarshiniNayyar to do the same if you haven't already :)