Hi know I have a lot of stories already...but I'm kind of at a writter's block right now with "Children of the Lost" and uh...had a sort of inspiration to make a new story...MLP based. Please don't worry, it's not going to be corny "FriENdSHIp iS mAgIC" BS, oh nonono, it'll be a lot like my other stories with sinister plot twists...evil and good...despare and thriller...murder and such. It won't be child friendly, and I'll make sure to state that before the chapters are released. I will need-however-more characters....therefore I am taking story character "commissions" if you will. I have the star character already, and I'm updating her to the current character information and bio, and I will be writting short stories about her life every now and then so you can learn more about her. All I can say really is....she's special. Very special. love to torture her- TwT. (Comments below can consist of links to a description, or to a photo...which would be grately appreciated because I'ma  descriptive writter. Lol. Or just shoot me a message...depending on how many people there are, I may or may not be able to squeeze everyone in.) I'll make sure to keep up updates about the story progress, and if I need any assistance or not. Please let me know what you guys think, and if you need any reference to me writting style, my best story out there at the moment is indeed "Children of the Lost", so go ahead and check that out! 
          	     Thanks for taking time to read this, I love you all and hope for some feedback! ..............that's including you Merndy. Lol. 


Hi know I have a lot of stories already...but I'm kind of at a writter's block right now with "Children of the Lost" and uh...had a sort of inspiration to make a new story...MLP based. Please don't worry, it's not going to be corny "FriENdSHIp iS mAgIC" BS, oh nonono, it'll be a lot like my other stories with sinister plot twists...evil and good...despare and thriller...murder and such. It won't be child friendly, and I'll make sure to state that before the chapters are released. I will need-however-more characters....therefore I am taking story character "commissions" if you will. I have the star character already, and I'm updating her to the current character information and bio, and I will be writting short stories about her life every now and then so you can learn more about her. All I can say really is....she's special. Very special. love to torture her- TwT. (Comments below can consist of links to a description, or to a photo...which would be grately appreciated because I'ma  descriptive writter. Lol. Or just shoot me a message...depending on how many people there are, I may or may not be able to squeeze everyone in.) I'll make sure to keep up updates about the story progress, and if I need any assistance or not. Please let me know what you guys think, and if you need any reference to me writting style, my best story out there at the moment is indeed "Children of the Lost", so go ahead and check that out! 
               Thanks for taking time to read this, I love you all and hope for some feedback! ..............that's including you Merndy. Lol. 


Hey everyone! I'm back from a short little break, had some personal things to tend to, but I'm back and ready to start writing again..! 
 soon as I get good grades in my new school- TwT
            But don't worry, I'll get there! Just started yesterday, so this is a fresh start for me, and hopefully the new start I need to get priorities straight again.
                The good news is: I'm back..! >w<


So ummmmmmmmmm-I'm a terrible person-
            I already wanna start a new story-HhHhHHh-
          And I know I know, I've already got like, a bazillian stories I've been wanting to write, but I REALLY wanna write a fanfic with my own twists to is, similar to my FNAF story..! >w<
             What should I doooooooo....? TwT


@MMoonlight3 SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE GENIUS..!!!!!! But-at the same time-then it's a lot to keep in mind and keep up with- TwT Lol


@Cressy-Chan well if you need more time to think about future chapters of "children of the lost", maybe you could start a new story and possibly find new ideas for chapters in cotl?


Hey everyone!!
            I was thinking....and I know someone out there is thinking, "Oh no, that's dangerous-" HecK yEs iT iS. Suuuuure, I have like, 5 stories I'm writing right now, but what the helL, let's add another shAll wE?
            I need some help, anyone; I have so many different ideas running through my head right now, and realistically, if I wanted to, I could shove them all as spOOky elements into my story idea. 
            A: Should I follow through and make a new story with different spOOky elements that intertwine for great plot twists?
            B: Hold off and pick a few stories to chill on for a while till I can get a few more chapters in, and then look at making a few different stories (Not to be released at the same time, mind you. I'm insane already, I don't need another thing driving me up the wall guys- XD) with the different elements of spOOkiness?
              Lemme know..! >w<


@Cressy-Chan B. I think quality of a single story beats the Quantity (multiple stories). Focus on a select few at a time to possibly boost the quality on them.
            This is my opinion on this.