@pixies23 I hope so as well. I really think you should cheack out Holly Blacks Faerie series.


Hey, want to do me a favour? 
          I know you do :) 
          Could you have a quick skim through 'The One I Ran Into, In The Woods' ? 
          Thanks a heap! 
          (Ill be uploading another chapter soon :) OH and sorry for cheesy comment >_> didn't mean to put you through so much pain :P)


Hey, I know the­­­­­­­­se are super ann­oy­in­g,­ a­nd­ I­'m­ not gonna beg
          But I have this story called
          'An Albino On A­­­­­­­­ Reality Show.. ­Wh­at­ c­ould go wrong?'
          that I was hopi­­­­­­­­ng you could tak­e ­a ­lo­ok­ a­t ­an­d ­give­ my ­some feedback!
          Thanks, I know ­­­­­­­­these get annoying!