I don't know when I'll be back to writing, especially as much as I used to, but I'm going through a huge depression and I just can't think. I can barely get up in the morning without dreading the day to come. I'm sorry to all my readers. Don't give up on me like everyone else seems to have already done. I'm not gone forever. Just for now as I try to clear my mind. I might slowly add stuff to my books but it'll be slow. Once again, sorry everyone.


I don't know when I'll be back to writing, especially as much as I used to, but I'm going through a huge depression and I just can't think. I can barely get up in the morning without dreading the day to come. I'm sorry to all my readers. Don't give up on me like everyone else seems to have already done. I'm not gone forever. Just for now as I try to clear my mind. I might slowly add stuff to my books but it'll be slow. Once again, sorry everyone.


I can't tell if anyone likes any of my books. I keep making new ones and not updating other ones because they aren't seeming successful. Right now, I'm mostly working on three books. If you like any of my books, please vote, comment, or tell me which book(s) you like most and why. Life is really stressful right now so I need to know which books I should work on the most. I love you all and thank you for helping me out with this. It takes a little more stress off of my exhausted shoulders.