
It's rushed but the final chapter for the Second Dragonoid's Tale is out. I really just wanted to finish it up and there wasn't much else I wanted to do with it sadly.


Probably noticed I'm partly back. Things have gotten better but I am still having some difficulties with writing. It is a surprise that I released as many chapters as I have lately. I mostly want to finish Second Dragonoid, anything else is just extra. I may make more one-shots. I know I will leave Prince of Rags and New Arrival unfinished but might write end chapters for them.
          As for The Monster King and The Shadows Awaken, I'm not sure. Brilliant Rose will likely end at the end of volume 2. As RT has been axed as it were, the show will likely have no end, but I will write a lore chapter for the rewrite that includes the ending and what happens after.


Did you use to have a story that contained one-shots? I’m not sure if it was someone else just wondering


I do not remember a one shot like that


Did you have a one shot of qrow and y/n? Or smth?


Ok thanks 


This update may get too personal, feel free to skip to the end.
          Recently for the last two weeks I've been sick, I've gotten over most of it but one of the things I've been left with is serious mind fog. To the point I was almost in a vehicle accident and would have been at fault, thankfully nothing happened. Once I do feel better I'll be going back to a full-time job, plus having a girlfriend.
          The worst part is, even when I find myself with time, I find not passion nor focus to do anything. Despite having ideas and wanting to stream, write, and be a vtuber, I find myself unable to do the work that others have. Left with conflicting thoughts, self doubt, and a sense of isolation from those I personally know. I hold no further potential nor passion for anything. Try as I might to read manga and watch anime, videos and read other stories, I've found myself bored and tired of everything.
          I feel lost. Without a sense of purpose or joy. That the seasonal episodes of depression are not seasonal, but all year. I find myself becoming bitter as a person as a result of escaping my introverted tendencies. I do not like who I am as a person and I do not know the steps to take in order to be a better version of myself. Especially not one that can achieve the things I thought I wanted. Though they say the first step to fixing a problem is admitting there is one, I feel that's not enough when I don't know the source of it or if there is only one cause.
          I won't be working on any more chapters now or in the near future, and I will be deleting my other accounts. This one will remain up since I know people, for whatever reason, like the RWBY stories. I don't have anything else to say other than I'm sorry and hope that you all take care.


One thing I found that helped whenever I felt like something cynical and pessimistic was growing inside me was journal. Just writing down what I feel, sometimes I even come up with a cause or reason. But ultimately it’s to just spill my head onto paper, try that, maybe you can organize your thoughts that way. Try meditation and exercise as well (even when you don’t feel like it), sometimes all you need is some tranquility or just mindless physical exertion. And confide in someone, if nothing else, even if they do not give advice (or if you don’t want any), it’s good to vent to a listener. Keep going cuz there’s always a light at the end even in the darkest periods of struggle, my friend.


I am sorry you are going through this, I wish I could help you in more ways than advising you talk to a therapist, get some anti-depressants, and also talk with family if you can.  I have struggled with depression in the past, and those are what have helped me out to get past it.