Okay hello everyone! I have a short attention span when it comes to writing stories (probably smaller than a teaspoon.) Honestly, I get excited to write a new story so I write the beginning but then I don't write the rest. I don't know if it's the lack of inspiration or just plainly getting distracted but I just don't get back to them. I apologize for that.
Or if I do it's like a long time later and no one wants a ghost writer. So I came up with a solution-short stories. I can write short sorties in its entirety at one time and I won't procrastinate on writing them. I think it's a good solution so basically I will write a collection of short stories. Depending on the genre and subject.
I would appreciate it if you read my short stories. They aren't really short-short, at least not some of them.
The title will say it all. For example, a book titled named "Cute, Fluffy Romance" would be about the romance/lovey dovey stuff. Then so on with different genres with different subjects that I want to write short stories about. There will also be ones for specific Fandoms perhaps.
Who knows! Anyway, I would grateful if you guys-to anyone out there-would give suggestions for whatever you want me to write a short story about and the genre. I would consider the suggestion and if I feel uncomfortable writing them then I'll just politely refuse.
Thank you for your consideration. Hopefully this idea works! Bai!