
Good day! If any of you still keep up with my account then I apologize. I’ve been working on 2 short stories that would’ve been finished rather soon. One is about the character Price from Willow, the other about a jester of a demon. Unfortunately, as of now I have to put those two stories on hold for I have been given the opportunity to write a play! Due to circumstances I have to focus entirely on this project because of time and other reasons, I will post the play when finished and possibly polished. I thought I’d give an update and prove I am still working.
          	Sincerely, Orion Jay Cain


Good day! If any of you still keep up with my account then I apologize. I’ve been working on 2 short stories that would’ve been finished rather soon. One is about the character Price from Willow, the other about a jester of a demon. Unfortunately, as of now I have to put those two stories on hold for I have been given the opportunity to write a play! Due to circumstances I have to focus entirely on this project because of time and other reasons, I will post the play when finished and possibly polished. I thought I’d give an update and prove I am still working.
          Sincerely, Orion Jay Cain


I am going to unpublish one of my stories. As much as I want to keep writing it, I'm in no mood to. I'll publish it when I finish it, I don't want to have the feeling that I NEED to publish something so I'll take my time and do it right.


I've created the cover for the new Smile story! I've pushed back My Perfect Life behind my fantasy title and in front of that is the new sequel per request of a fan. They all keep switching spots depending to what I feel like writing.