(TW: vent) hi guys its me loser 2# or whatever. happy holidays. my main will be inactive for a while btw. but this isn't about my account, this is about me. the real reason I haven't been posting is because i'm literally at the lowest point I've probably ever been. why you may be asking? well, for one, I feel incredibly pressured. Not just on Wattpad/Ao3 but on Tumblr too. I keep making stupid projects and hyping all my followers up then not even bothering to finish them. I never realize that i'm putting too much pressure on myself and end up just getting horribly burnt-out and just giving up on basically everything. I don't think its even procrastination anymore its just straight up being lazy. i'm so sorry if my hiatus discouraged you from reading familiar foe. I love you guys and I try really hard to make everyone happy. I promise i'll be back soon. I'm just taking it slow for now since i'm a big baby. - LZ

@clon3-r1ggy Dude, please don’t burn yourself out. I LOVE Familiar Foe and you being on hiatus isn’t gonna change any way I feel about it, this goes for all of your other stories as well btw. Take as long of a break as you need to and before you start trying to make everyone happy, make yourself happy first. We love you/p