هاي انا هاجر انا ال بكتب قصه our problem بس نسيت الاميل ف عملت اميل جديد و قصه جديده و غيرت اسلوب الكتابه ف القصه الجديده اسمها Life بتمني تقريها و تقوليلي رأيك فيها بليييييييييييز
Hey there! I saw you had some comments on my old story THE AGREEMENT... i updated it a bit and a new chapter is up! I no longer have a writers block and i hope you will continue reading my book! It would mean so so much! Thank you ! Xxx it is now THE GIRL WHO CRIED BLOOD xxx Hope u enjoy it xxx
Hey there! Can you maybe go vote for both of my stories? u can read them if you'd like too please? Would really mean a lot if you would! tysm. ily xxx :D