Hi would you be interested in doing a genuine R4R (votes and comments included)
Reading Lists
Okay soo I published a new book, I've been writing it while I take a break from all things vampires and fantasy so if you're interested by the description definitely consider checking it out!!! <3
Hi would you be interested in doing a genuine R4R (votes and comments included)
I loved it so much ❤️❤️
Okay soo I published a new book, I've been writing it while I take a break from all things vampires and fantasy so if you're interested by the description definitely consider checking it out!!! <3
I'm literally dying of writer's block right now, sorry but there probably won't be many updates right now. It's annoying because I was just ready to get back into it and now this has happened, and I don't want to force myself to write in case it tarnishes the quality of my work - but I will continue reading ofc! I think I may start writing another book alongside Fate For Eternity, I've had an idea in my head for a while and I think it would be good for me to maybe take a bit of a break from the fantasy scene, it might even help me with my writer's block (fingers crossed loll)
@L_Starr I totally get this. And the block hits at the most random times. Like I was on such a roll but suddenly I'm hit with it too. Ughhhh! It's okay though, I think you're right in taking our time. There's no rush! :)
It happens man, you just gotta take it at your own pace and not burn yourself out. The good thing is that you at least have the base chapters for your book to work with and just need to work on improving what’s there to where you feel comfortable with it. I just said yolo and went for it, I went in and reworked some stuff later. Good luck on whatever you decide to do!
OMG I am actually so happy right now, thank you to my loyal R4R partners for being there so quick when the story was published! I value your support so so much, and it feels so incredible to finally be back into the swing of things. Not only am I so excited to continue writing my story, I am so excited to be reading your stories regularly again. I obviously hit a bit of a stump before trying to work out a pattern that worked for me with my new job, but I think I've got the hang of things now. Again, thank you for your patience and thank you so much for the ongoing support!!! <3
Hiii, I just wanted to leave a note here because I know I've been pretty absent with my R4Rs, and I'm very sorry for that. I want to let you know I'm still very interested in reading your books and I love them just as much, it's just I've started a new job and I'm struggling to balance my reading and writing with my work schedule. I just need a bit of time to adjust and find a schedule/ pattern that works with me, and I'll get straight back into the flow of things. Thanks for being patient, I love you all!!!
Ooh congrats on the new job! It can definitely be tricky to find your vibe, but I’m sure you’ll get your flow and balance things in no time! Good luck!
Hello everyone! I just wanted to put a message on here so that nobody thinks I've abandoned my book hahahah. It's taking me a while, but I'm ensuring that I plan the entire book before actually writing it to avoid getting lost as I did before. I'm almost finished with the planning, but then again there could be some minor setbacks along the way. I'm having so much fun planning however, and I think it's coming together really nicely, and the book feels so much better than before already! Once again to my R4Rs, thank you for your loyalty!
That’s great! Love when writing is exciting for you and you’re taking your time to plan it all out, can’t wait to see the final product
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: (R4Rs PLEASE READ!) After a lot of thinking, I've realised that although my book is good, it really isn't as good as it could have been had I not rushed into it from the start. I'm still in the process of planning the rewritten version, and I just realised how much better it is. Again, there are only minor changes like better character and relationship development, overall better writing etc, but I just feel like if I continue to write the original story it's not going to work for me. What I think I need to do, is to begin writing the better version and uploading that as a separate book, because I've tried and tried but continuing the original isn't an option for me anymore, it's drying me out! To my R4R partners, I love you all so much and the support you've given me, and I don't expect you to stick around my book waiting for the updated version. If you do truly want to continue my book, so that you don't have to start again fresh, I can tell you what chapter of the part you're up to in the new one and you can read from there. However, you will likely be missing out on some minor changes in the story - nothing important, but I feel as though the changes make the relationships and bonds feel more real, so it's completely your choice whether you'd like to start from the beginning of the upgraded version, start from where you left off, or not continue at all. I'd really appreciate a response just so I know what you're thinking of doing, and I promise I will not be upset if you choose to stop reading! Although, I'd love to stay in contact with you and follow along your stories, and maybe have you read some of my other stories I plan on releasing in the future. I really value the friendship I've gotten from my R4Rs as well as the support! Sorry for the long message, I just feel as though I've been weighed down by the stress of this situation for a while and needed a solution. Much love <3
@MissShanShan Aw thank you so much! I'm so happy to hear that, it truly warms my heart!
I relate to this on a spiritual level LOL. You do what makes you happiest, whether it’s rewriting the whole thing or editing little parts here and there, I’m sure it will turn out even better than it was. Your story already had such a strong foundation and compelling characters, I can’t imagine how good it’ll be revised. I’ll definitely be reading your new version from the start, can’t wait!!!
@aniviawrites Thank you so much, I'm so glad you're going to be sticking around for the story. Your supportive comment has made me feel so much better, I was losing my mind trying to figure out a solution. At least this way I can plan for what lies ahead in my story and instead of stressing on how to end it whilst I'm still writing it, I can focus on developing the characters and relationships properly. I want my story and the romances/ friendships to feel as convincing as possible, and letting people continue to read something that isn't as good as it COULD be feels wrong to me. Once again, thank you so much for your support I'm so glad you'll be sticking with me through this. :)
Thank you for 500 reads <3 Really hope I can get back to writing soon :(
Hey, this message is to anyone reading my book: My laptop which is the only thing I use to write is currently broken, so I am unable to write any new chapters right now. :( I'm looking into getting it fixed, but I don't know when or if it will even be able to be fixed, but I should be able to find a replacement if not, at least until I can upgrade to something else. None of this affects my ability to still do my R4Rs, however, so I will still be keeping up with those. Thank you for taking the time to read, and thanks for your patience if this message applies to you.
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