Chapter 3 of The New Nature has been published. This story will have multiple sections in which specific chapters will be in. For example: The Prison Part 1, 2 and 3 will be a part of "The Prison" section on the story itself. Arcs with multiple parts will have this. This is too reduce confusion on where people have left off and so you can read your favourite arcs just by clicking on it. I hope you enjoy this change as opposed to publishing the entire story like i've done with Night Runner, Strings of Fate and Endless cycle. The only story with multiple parts is Forbidden Retribution however, that was due to a hardware limitation on the device I used to write that story. Anyways, enjoy the new chapter. The next chapter will be published on Friday the 30th of June. This is so I can be ahead in the story and not have to make people wait too long for the next chapter. Goodbye for now and thank you for reading.