I am now sad :'(
I just found out that the "Futures" feature is now closed and no new writers can earn from people clicking on the ads within the stories.
My hopes for my future depended on this, as I have some issues IRL and cannot afford to self-publish.
All my life I wanted to become an author and most of the proceeds would go to creating more books and stories, traveling to see how beautiful our world is and to gain background info for future stories, and to create a fund in my grandmother's name.
My grandmother had several issues in her life, that I want to help fund researches for; such as: Diabetes, Congestive Heart Failure, Leukemia, Ovarian cancer/tumors. To help burn victims get the help they need and counselling (if needed.)
I want to help get housing started for our homeless. I know they want people to care and they don't want charity. That's why I want to give them something they can pay forward to someone else in need.
I want to help people , whether they are young or old, to achieve their dreams and goals in life. I've had dreams that I never got to fulfill and I don't want others to feel the empty ache that I have from not seeing those dreams through. There are many children and adults in this world, who come from homes where money was tight and used for only the bare necessities and the occassional treat.
i remember being in HomeEc in highschool and some recruiters from a beauty school came. I was one of a handful of students chosen to join, but because Grandma couldn't afford it, I never got to go.
She was also my voice coach and I wanted to be a professional gospel singer, but a tonsilectomy (with no ill effects) left me without the ability to sing, as I once had, I had strained my voice trying to get someone to come to the fone when someone called for them. If I had the money, I may have been able to reverse the damage.
I want to help people with talent to be able to get their talent out to the world. Never let your dreams die.