
To my oh so faithful demigod supporters!
          	Chapter 31 of Rebuilding the World is now UPDATED!!
          	I was intending this chapter to be longer but I decided to cut it in half because it'll be TOO DAM LONG. so here you go!!
          	Sorry if I'm updating slower than I did before...You've got to understand that I'm also bound to experience writer's block and lack of time..
          	Anyways, did you guys picked up a copy of House of Hades na? BECAUSE I'VE ALREADY GOT MINE!
          	laters, demis!


To my oh so faithful demigod supporters!
          Chapter 31 of Rebuilding the World is now UPDATED!!
          I was intending this chapter to be longer but I decided to cut it in half because it'll be TOO DAM LONG. so here you go!!
          Sorry if I'm updating slower than I did before...You've got to understand that I'm also bound to experience writer's block and lack of time..
          Anyways, did you guys picked up a copy of House of Hades na? BECAUSE I'VE ALREADY GOT MINE!
          laters, demis!


I'll be slowly updating Rebuilding the World until Chapter 35. Then I'll go inactive for a few months. When Christmas break comes I'll update the final part of the book para walang mabibitin, you can read chapter 36 until the final chapter. but until then, patience.


@yoomee thanks for visiting my page. natawa ako sa bubog error mo. and yeah, I know YOLO though, I'd rather use other terms,(like carpe diem) kasi iba na ang known meaning ng YOLO, it's kind of reckless and I don't really think reckless is that good for me. thank you ulit!


Hiyee :) thanks for the follow. At nabasa ko yug about me mo ha. I agree with you! YOLO~! You only live once so aim the sky! Yes, the sky! Para pag nahulog ka at di mo naabot ang sky atleast may bubog pang pwede mog bagsakan at hindi ka direcho sa lupa. Mas masakit yun! [sana naget mo yung ibig ko sabihin :)))] at yung bakit i ka crush ng crush mo? At bakit crush ka ng di mo crush? :)) yes life is complicated. Maybe it is how the world is, teaching us how to adopt to things. Its like "do what u love. Love what u do" it depends on u how to manage it. Remember YOLO~! :) i enjoyed visiting ur page. And ill try to check ur stories too. Toodles~