
@titicorredor  hola tiit how ´r you?


Hey, I know the­­­­­­­­se are super ann­oy­in­g,­ a­nd­ I­'m­ not gonna beg
          But I have this story called
          'An Albino On A­­­­­­­­ Reality Show.. ­Wh­at­ c­ould go wrong?'
          that I was hopi­­­­­­­­ng you could tak­e ­a ­lo­ok­ a­t ­an­d ­give­ my ­some feedback!
          Thanks, I know ­­­­­­­­these get annoying!


 xx Hey please check out my latest story please xx
          It's called Street Chick + Rich Guy ='Love'
          I guess the title says it all really
          So if you like arranged marriage stories come check mine out please i would be so gratefull


Hiiiii!!!!!! Can you please read my story its my first of wattpad. Its called;
          "I Hate You, I Hate You Not, I Love You, I. Wait, What!?!"
          If u can't find it, its only my profile.
          Thank-you so much! And don't forget to others.....or become a fan
          Lots of Love 
          taraniamh xox