
Having to fake a smile to people who you don't give a crap about, is no big deal. For people who don't care about you is even better but faking it to the ones you love, is like having them fake thiers too.


          ( '_')
          (> )>o I was going to give you this cookie
          o<( <) But then i was like..                   
          . (>o<) ITS MY FREAKING COOKIE!
          ( '_')
          (> )>o Then i said sharing is caring..
          ...('_' )
          o<( <) But then i was like, sharing is caring but..
          .. .U U
           (>o<) I  FREAKING  LOVE COOKIES!
           (> <) So then I ate it.HAHA


You don't know who any one REALLY is. You don't know if they cry themselves to sleep or if they skip meals to lose an extra pound. You don't know how they treat themselves or how others treat them. You don't know anything. So stop acting like you do.