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Hey! I made it awkward already didn't I? NO DON'T LEAVE! I am not here to ask you to read my book or anything like that (tho a follow would be nice- okay. Shutting up now) I just wanted to say this. I came across this account from the the youtube channel "Christy Marie". Now, I found this channel a while ago while looking for tutorials on how to play songs from hamilton (btw you did an amazing job I feel like I actually learned something so thank you). While watching your wait for it tutorial when you said you had this account I was like "AAAAYYYYYEEEE this girl is apart of the wattpad life" so I immediately came over to the account (so yes I did just watch the video). When I read the books just now I was astonished by how some of these books were not as popular as they should be. I guess what I am trying to say here is that yall did good and keep up the amazing work. I don't do this often (or ever) so yea (you see how I am inexperienced at complimenting people..... or at talking..... or at being human in general) OK I have been talking (or typing if you are thinking about it in a literal sense) for way too long and you probably won't read this since it is now late at night where I live so baiiiiii ✌

Well anyway, I can't wait for more updates on both youtube and here on wattpad!

It is OK you have a life (unlike me) and you are busy (also unlike me) but keep up the good work!!