Hi Guys! It's been so long!
I just wanted to let you all know that I've (finally!) officially published my first rewritten chapter of Stockholm! The original is doing so so well, so I'm really really hoping that the rewrite will do even better!
I remember back in July of 2019 I was freaking out because it had 4.1k reads. Now it's at 68.7k reads!! Like, WHAT? I'm so baffled, because personally, I don't think the book is nearly as good as I could make it, but just the fact that people have read it, (I've actually met two people on social media, that after we became friends told me that they had read my book without knowing it was me, so that was crazy) and so many have voted on it, commented on it, and supported me in my writing, showing love for my book, is absolutely amazing. I appreciate it so so much.
I really hope you guys can find the time to read the new one. It would mean the world.
As always, I love you all.
- Soph