
I’m going thru some comments on my book and LOSING MY MIND. I’m just saying people are hilarious. I can’t wait to read the comments on the remake.
          	Love you guys <3


Also, I forgot to mention in my last post, 
          I have a sort of online journal that I post in much more often, because it stems more from my emotions so it’s easier for me to sit and quickly write. If you’re interested in my other forms of writing other than my narrative pieces, feel free to check that out. 
          That’s all, thanks.


Hi guys. 
          I’m just gonna keep this short.
          I don’t know when I’ll update the second chapter of Stockholm. Things suck right now. My main focus at the moment is going to be my grades and myself. I will write when I can but it’s probably going to take a long time. I hope you’ll forgive me. 
          As always, I love you all.


Starting tomorrow, I wish you all the best of luck. Make sure to stay safe please, and if you're part of a targeted minority, please take some form of protection everywhere with you.  I'm scared for everyone, but I know many of you are strong and can take care of yourselves. I love you all.


Hi Guys! It's been so long! 
          I just wanted to let you all know that I've (finally!) officially published my first rewritten chapter of Stockholm! The original is doing so so well, so I'm really really hoping that the rewrite will do even better!
          I remember back in July of 2019 I was freaking out because it had 4.1k reads. Now it's at 68.7k reads!! Like, WHAT? I'm so baffled, because personally, I don't think the book is nearly as good as I could make it, but just the fact that people have read it, (I've actually met two people on social media, that after we became friends told me that they had read my book without knowing it was me, so that was crazy) and so many have voted on it, commented on it, and supported me in my writing, showing love for my book, is absolutely amazing. I appreciate it so so much.
           I really hope you guys can find the time to read the new one. It would mean the world. 
          As always, I love you all. 
          - Soph


I just finished reading "Stockholm Syndrome" and I have to say that it's among one of the best books I've read so far! Looking forward to finishing your other works too. 


@Dscary I can't believe I didn't see this message. I'm so disorganized. I really appreciate it though! I'm actually rewriting it because I wasn't satisfied with it. Hopefully, if you read my new one, it will be even better to you. :3


Jahfdnsugss my boyfriend didn’t tell me happy birthday and I’m sad


@LaddyTaddy Yeah yeah I'm like a month late but happy birthday


Or maybe happy birth month 


Happy late birthday from me 