Does anybody know what's up with the notifications on here cause for me, nothing shows up aside from the notifications from this past month (September), but nothing before it. Despite, receiving a number of emails from Wattpad about likes and comments etc. that I was curious to read upon logging back. I suppose it is what it is. I am considering, potentially writing on here again, it's more of a might thing, I am not really sure about it yet. I just looked/read a bit of my works on here and inspiration sparked in my mind again, not Lotor related though, I do love him and did enjoy writing about him very much while it lasted though, and it is not out of the realm of possibility that I might continue the stories I have started on here with him, I am absolutely not making any promises about it though, so please don't get your hopes up about it, well, if there is any left, given the last update date for the stories I have on here... . Which, I am so sorry for, I feel bad about letting down readers. I just got stuck creatively, I suppose. I genuinely don't remember anymore. Hah, looking back on this post the next time I am on here will be interesting.

Or perhaps not on the inspiration part, I mean, maybe if I started all over with one story, not influenced by previous drafts, but I don't know.