
Hey guys, so this may seem like a bit of a rant but I need advice. I am a Secondary school student in year 11, meant to sit my exams this year, however with the current situation exams are cancelled. Is there any point in me revising or just doing absolutley nothing?
          	I really don't know what to do and now school i cancelled, and as weird as this sounds I am upset about that. Probably going to do a lot of writing, we'll see, I've lost all inspiration recently. 
          	Also fun fact I learnt today, if your asmatic (sorry for bad spelling) your meant to self-isolate for twelve weeks. Yeah I'm not doing that if I die, I die. Two weeks is way to long for me. This also isn't taking into account the fact that my immune system allows me to get ill with everything, in an attempt to kill me! I love my body (Sarcasm overload!)
          	I know I'm not funny I'll stop now.


Hey guys, so this may seem like a bit of a rant but I need advice. I am a Secondary school student in year 11, meant to sit my exams this year, however with the current situation exams are cancelled. Is there any point in me revising or just doing absolutley nothing?
          I really don't know what to do and now school i cancelled, and as weird as this sounds I am upset about that. Probably going to do a lot of writing, we'll see, I've lost all inspiration recently. 
          Also fun fact I learnt today, if your asmatic (sorry for bad spelling) your meant to self-isolate for twelve weeks. Yeah I'm not doing that if I die, I die. Two weeks is way to long for me. This also isn't taking into account the fact that my immune system allows me to get ill with everything, in an attempt to kill me! I love my body (Sarcasm overload!)
          I know I'm not funny I'll stop now.


Guess who isn't dead?!
          I feel it though. I am going to start working on an original book called 'hidden lies' so far the plan is for it to include superheroes and villains, magic powers, while also dealing with real life problems.
          Now please keep in mind this is very early development and I have extremely important exams coming up soon. This means it may be a while before the first chapter is out, however please keep in mind this is me so this may be scrapped in a few months.
          I don't when the first chapter will be out, but let's hope it's out before the end of 2020.


This is definitely the wrong place to ask this but, me and one of my ex's have been wondering if we should get back together, we broke up because of home issues, we both still love each other. However he doesn't know that I am non-binary and don't like people using female pronouns for me. I want to tell him that I prefer gender neutral, but I am terrified to do so. I know this is my anxiety but does anyone have any advice on what I should do.


Does anyone have any good tips for how to not lose moivation when wirting a new story. I seriously have only got one character done. I'm slightly annoyed as I know it will be a while before I can have a good sit down to write as when I go back to school I'm gonna be in year 11 meaning up until may I have to revise for my GCSE's even though I know I'm gonna fail.


Hey Guys. I am doing some things I may regret later on. I am going to get rid of everything on this account. I mean EVERYTHING I will be keeping one book but even then I am re-writing it with a different story. 
          I am doing this because I am not happy with how my writing turned out and I don't want it o be here. I also have the problem of I have grown away from some of the fandoms and people I used to write fanfics about. It got to a point where writing felt like a chore.
          I'm sorry to those of you who liked my books, but I want a fresh start. Seeing as I'm just over a week into my six week holidays I will be writing as much as I can as often as I can. However updates will be slow next school year as I will be in year 11 with mocks and GCSE's and everyone one, family, teachers and friends are expecting me to do amazing. Teachers are pushing me to do better than my best so I can score top marks. While deep down I'm not worried as someone who suffers from depression AND anxiety this is something that affects me greatly. To all of those who have been with me and supported me from the beginning I thank you for being there and for giving me the motivation to continue. I have had so many rough patches in my life.
          I am sorry this has turned into a slight rant, but I wanted to be open and honest with you guys. I want to start over but that is impossible in several ways. 
          I hope you will all stick with me and enjoy where I am taking my writing as much as I hope to enjoy writing for you guys.
          I'll see you in the 'first' update for this account. Until then remember to talk to people when you need to and live life to it's fullest as once it's over there's no repeat, so make sure to make the most of what you've got.